2019 Theme
Reflections on our culture and practice
Jam Guidelines and Protocol For Response to Incidents
Following years of discussion in CI circles regarding the frequent failure of jam culture to create safer spaces for women, People of Color and LGBTQI folks, we continue to reflect and learn, engage each other and our teachers, and welcome disruption of business as usual. We are grateful for the community that challenges us to do better. Please check out this article in the Contact Quarterly that also features the #metoo interruption from last year's wcciJAM. Please also check our living document of Jam Guidelines and Protocol for Response to Incidents.
Inclusivity & Assumptions
We have the fortune and misfortune to "live in interesting times." As festival organizers, we are keenly aware that what we do takes place in a specific sociopolitical context. At the 2017 wcciJAM, we put out a statement meant to generate dialogue. Click here to read the 2017 Statement and feel free to contact us if you wish to engage!
This Body of Dance
The theme of wcciJAM 2019 is BODY. Our bodies are how we connect to the world and each other. Our bodies hold our lived experience and connections to our ancestors. Our bodies are the home we can return to, if we feel lost in the dance. Our bodies give rise and voice to our activism when we experience or see injustice, and to the depths of our joy when we feel free.
wcciJAM 2019 invites us to celebrate this body of dance we create, in the full wealth of our diversity. We welcome discussion and disruption, challenging of body norms and power structures that limit our bodies in different ways. We want to tap into the wisdom of our bodies, in movement and in felt sense, in taking action, and finding rest. We invite our bodies to be our teachers.