Special Events 2024

facilitated by Olivia Treviño
A POC-only jam on the first day of the festival, followed by a jam for POC and invited allies on Friday, followed by a report-back from attending allies that is open to all on Saturday.
Olivia Treviño (she/her) is a second and seventh generation Mexican-American of Indigenous (Chichimeca), Spanish and other mixed descent. She is a theatre artist, dancer, community organizer, activist, educator and drama therapist who places decolonization and liberation at the center of her personal and professional practices. Olivia began training in contact improvisation in 2015 and is the co-founder and current co-host of the Bay Area POC Jam, the goal of which is to increase accessibility and ease the entry of people of color into the predominantly white contact improv community. In her social justice work, Olivia weaves together the power of the arts and her various artistic communities to raise awareness and fundraise for causes with a particular focus on the rights of indigenous people, immigrants and refugees. Olivia served as an adjunct faculty member in the Theater Department at Saddleback College from 2013-2017 where she taught theatre production, improvisation, beginning acting and movement for actors. She has directed more than thirty theatrical productions and has assistant direct productions at South Coast Repertory, UCLA and Juilliard. She holds a BA in Theatre in Acting and Directing from Cal State Long Beach and a MA in Counseling Psychology in Drama Therapy from California Institute of Integral Studies. She is currently pursuing licensure to become a Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in Drama Therapy.

Teacher - Student One-on-Ones
facilitated by Rajendra Serber and Vitali Kononov
1-1s take place Wednesday through Saturday, 1:45-3:30pm, and 3:45- 5:50pm.
1-1s are short sessions in which you can get individualized attention from our incredible teaching body. Different teachers will be in attendance each day. Work on specific skills, get feedback, or dialogue. You are also welcome to bring a partner or two to a 1-1 session, and have the teacher observe a dance.
Rajendra first attended WCCIF in 2003 and was involved in facilitating wcciJAM until the inglorious year of 2020. He now lives in Bellingham, Washington where he is a co-facilitator of the seasonal Jam In Bellingham and is studying Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. He has had the privilege of collaborating with many wonderful artists including Sara Shelton Mann, Scott Wells and Carmen Serber.
Vitali Kononov has been teaching CI since 1997. He is a Somatic Movement Educator, Developmental Movement, and Dynamic Embodiment Coach. He studied at The School for Body-Mind Centering® (2008-2013). He was a faculty member of American Dance Festival (2003-04.) and Moving On Center – School for Participatory Arts and Somatic Research (2002-2020).

Community Talk: Consent Practices in CI
facilitated by Wowlvenn Seward Katzmiller
Wowlvenn Seward-Katzmiller has been loving CI for 20 years and has taught it here and there since 2015. She is a queer, cis-gender female Ashkenazi Jew committed to nervous system resilience and accountability and Tikkun Olam (repairing what is broken in ourselves and in the world). She loves creating movement forums to explore boundaries and the sacred energies of expand, contract, push, reach, pull, move away, move toward, join, be still and more within CI. She dances imperfectly toward her own freedom, toward healing ancestors, and for collective descendants.

Community Talk — Creating Welcoming & Inclusive Jams
An opportunity for dancers, jam hosts, and teachers to come together to discuss best practices for inclusive jams. A time to celebrate what is going well in our communities, as well as discuss all the challenges we face: accessibility, finances, race, class, and gender imbalances, and more. Who is seen and heard? Who is excluded? What makes a jam community thrive as a whole?
Queer Dancers Affinity Space
facilitated by Ronja Ver
Fishbowl Conversations
Histories & Futures of CI in the Bay Area Community
with miniWCCI Teachers + Special Guests
Carol Swann, Byron Brown, Charles Campbell!
Byron Brown has always loved dynamic, creative movement of the body, the mind, and the soul. He was a founding member of Mangrove, a men’s contact dance collective in the late 1970s. He toured, taught and performed in the US and Canada until the company broke up in 1980. He also enjoyed traveling, teaching and performing on his own while meeting other contact practitioners at jams and studios in the Bay Area and abroad. He was a member of the original Contraband with Sara Shelton Mann in the early 1980s before slowly shifting his focus to desktop publishing and later to spiritual work in the Diamond Approach. For the last 40 years he has been deeply committed to sharing the wisdom and liberation of the DA inner work as a Ridhwan teacher in the US and Europe. He wrote a book titled Soul without Shame in 1999 about working with the inner critic as a step toward inner freedom.
Carol Swann is a teacher, private practitioner, facilitator, co-director, performer and activist. Her work is focused on contributing to a more socially just and inter-connected world. She has been teaching voice, somatics (movement re-patterning & psychology), Alexander Technique, Authentic Movement, Contact Improvisation & Performance Improvisation for 45 years in the United States, Latin America, Europe, Israel and Russia. She is Co-Founder (with Martha Eddy) & Director of Moving On Center, School of Participatory Arts and Somatic Education which links somatics and the performing arts for social change (1994-present). She is a registered movement therapist/educator (RSMT, RSME) with a private practice in Somatic Psychology (blending Hakomi, Somatic Experiencing & Process Work) and the Alexander Technique. She is a group process & conflict facilitator and weaves her extensive studies and practices in Social Somatics, Body-Mind Centering and Laban/Bartenieff into all of her work. Her work is influenced by her parents Bob and Marj Swann, Steve Paxton, Bonnie Cohen, Arnold Mindell, Ron Kurtz, Roy Hart Theatre, Meredith Monk, Balkan Singing, all her other teachers (including students & clients), nature, and the history and practice of liberatory politics.
Carol is currently on a long term healing sabbatical from a very serious illness.
Charles Campbell
I took my first dance class, by accident, in high school. I got hooked. After dropping out of college and spending 6 months in NY, I moved to San Francisco in 1974. It was an incredibly fertile arts scene in the Bay Area in the 70s. I thrived. Contact Improv opened up whole new possibilities in dance. In 1977 I joined Mangrove, with wonderful opportunities to teach and perform in many places. Tai Chi with Peter Ralston, and Skinner Releasing Technique with Robert Davidson deeply informed my moving then, and still do. I often wonder: what would the world be like if politicians were required to do contact?

Aging in Dance:
a focus group
facilitated by Belinda He and Karla Quintero​

Belinda He and Karla Quintero are alloyed mettles, a Bay Area-based collaborative duo who convene multigenerational & cross-cultural communities of practice to support longevity in dance. We embrace our differences in physique, dance training, personalities, and culture as alloyed strengths that support our drive for a resilient future, allowing us and our community to age as we dream, in dance.
Belinda He is a Singapore-born, Ohlone/San Francisco-based dance artist of Chinese descent. Her movement practices are shaped by the Feldenkrais Method and experiences with diverse dance forms, including partnered dances such as salsa and contact improvisation. Karla Quintero is a first-generation, Latin-American dance artist from New York City, based in Chochenyo Ohlone territory (Oakland). Her work draws from contemporary, club, and partnered dance, somatics, and a deep love for genre (ie. magical realism, horror, telenovelas). We find inspiration in current teachers David Zambrano (Karla/Belinda), Lauren Benjamin (Karla), Sara Shelton Mann (Belinda). We exchange wisdom they’ve imparted on us and build on their body of work through our dancing bodies.
We formed alloyed mettles 3+ years ago in response to a vacuum we experienced as 40+ y/o women seeking to continue actively in dance. Since then, alloyed mettles has come to encompass and is encompassed by all aspects of our lives, in which we:
Teach | Create | Perform | Research | Build Community & Friendships | Curate | Resist
Classic CI Films Screening
Magnesium, Fall After Newton, Chute, and more!
Yoga Nidra Lab | Let Rest Support You
facilitated by Jeffrey Balinsky

It is my gospel that the most valuable thing you have as a human being is your ability to pay attention. It is my observation that anything I pay attention to has some effect on me. In these improvised group rest sessions I present a collection of my favorite most effective things to observe that lead to an experience of restfulness. Gather and set the container, lay the bodies down, be still and listen for a while, externalize and reintegrate. Session is designed to be easy and accessible. Yogic practices and understandings presented utilizing Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Jeffrey Balinsky
Dancer, Yogi, Lover, Student, Builder, Teacher. A deep resounding voice. I play many games, but my favorite is Contact Improvisation. Synapsis trained in Eureka, California. I have been studying, developing, and sharing Yoga Nidra in Humboldt County and beyond since 2016. I have facilitated rest for groups in Middle Schools, Studios, at University, Community Centers, Churches, House Parties, Mountain sides, and in the context of various workshops and festivals. I endeavor to build joy and I orient by helping others. www.yogijeffrey.info